Organizaciones de trabajadores
Farm Labor Organizing Committee- www.supportfloc.org
United Farm Workers of America- www.ufw.org
Pineros y Campesinos Unidos del Noroeste- www.pcun.org
Coalition of Immokalee Workers- www.ciw-online.org -
Salud de los migrantes
Migrant Heath Promotions- www.migranthealth.org
Health Outreach Partners- www.outreach-partners.org
Migrant Heath Promotions- www.migranthealth.org
National Center for Farmworker Health – www.ncfh.org
Health Outreach Partners- www.outreach-partners.org
National Association of Community Health Centers- www.nachc.com
Migrant Clinicians Network- www.migrantclinician.org -
Grupos eclesiales
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops- www.usccb.org
National Catholic Rural Life Conference- www.ncrlc.com
American Bible Society- www.americanbible.org
Our Sunday Visitor- www.osv.com
Instituto Fe y Vida- www.feyvida.org
Instituto Pastoral del Sureste- www.sepi.us
Hispanic Catholic Services- Diocese of Birmingham, AL- http://hcsslacasita.org/
Mexican American Catholic College- www.maccsa.org
Pastoral Maya- www.pastoralmayausa.org
University of Creighton, Office of Multicultural Affairs- http://oma.creighton.edu -
Grupos de apoyo y defensa
National Farm Worker Ministry- www.nfwm.org
Farmworker Justice- www.fwjustice.org
Association of Farmworker Opportunity Programs- www.asop.org
Student Farmworker Alliance- www.sfalliance.org
Colorado Legal Services- www.coloradofarmworkers.org
Immigrant Worker Project-Ohio- www.iwpohio.org
Justice For Immigrants- www.justiceforimmigrants.org
Hispanic Affairs Project- http://hapgj.org -
Migrant Education Program- www2.ed.gov/about/offices/list/oese/ome/index.html